Joshua Bell says he wants to bring more doctors to rural Flamborough and Glanbrook.
Bell, 21, is a lifelong resident of Upper Stoney Creek and says he understands the lack of doctors in Hamilton’s rural areas.
“Almost 8,800 people in Flamborough-Glanbrook do not have access to a family doctor at all, and that's just not right,” Bell said.
If elected MPP, he said better access to healthcare will be a priority. Bell works in the city’s healthcare system and is currently a nutrition associate with Hamilton Health Sciences. He said he was part of consultations for the city's Suicide Prevention Strategy and was a youth member on the city's Suicide Prevention Community Council.
“People shouldn't have to be driving an hour into downtown Hamilton or Hamilton Mountain to actually get the care that they need,” he said.
This is the first time Bell has run for office, but said he has been an active community member for the past six years, while completing his political science degree at McMaster University. He said he specialized in public law and judicial studies.
While Bell is the youngest candidate running for MPP in his riding, he says his age is just a number.
“Age shouldn't be a determining factor — it should be the policies that are being presented,” Bell said.
If elected, Bell said he would focus on affordability, protecting the Greenbelt by stopping Urban Boundary Expansion, and providing support for local businesses. He said in the past, Flamborough-Glanbrook's MPP has not listened to residents' wishes when it comes to its agricultural land and green space.
“My vision for Flamborough-Glanbrook is that of a renewed community, and one that is actually connected with each other and has access to their MPP,” Bell said.