Over 1,000 people. That’s how many tourists stopped at the Flamborough Chamber of Commerce Tourist Information trailer at Clappison’s Corners the summer it opened in 1986.
The trailer, donated by Ruston Trailers, was located on the south-west corner of Highways 5 and 6, on the Petro Canada site. It was staffed by Flamborough Chamber of Commerce summer students and carried brochures and flyers from the special events and attractions all over Flamborough. It was also the base for the marketing study, "Why do people come to Flamborough and where do they spend their time and money?"

In 1987, the trailer expanded to offer more maps and guides, air-conditioning, better front steps and a water cooler. Refreshments and snacks were added in 1988, at the trailer if the weather was nice, or at the Plainsman Restaurant on Highway 5 West if it was raining.
Information available at the trailer continued to expand, with Ontario and Greater Toronto day trips, event and camping information added through the years. Open from the May long weekend until Labour Day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, by 1991 over 10,000 visitors stopped by during the summer season.
The Flamborough Chamber of Commerce built a new permanent Visitor Information Centre and FCC offices in 1991-92, on the same location, which opened June 4, 1992. Further research is needed to determine when the centre closed, but it was most likely around 2000. It is believed that Petro Canada required the land for expansion.
The Flamborough Heritage Society’s next meeting is Thursday March 27, 8:00 pm at Grace Anglican Church, 157 Mill Street North, Waterdown.
Our guest speaker will be Linda Zelem, Public Relations Co-ordinator for the Federal Women’s Institute of Canada. She will be talking about the history of the W.I., their contributions to agricultural improvement and their work today.
Admission is free, refreshments will be available and all are welcome.