As we head into a brand new year, FlamboroughToday asked local community leaders five questions about their thoughts on 2024 and their hopes for 2025. Today, Ward 13 Coun. Alex Wilson (Dundas and West Flamborough) reflects on the past year, and their wish for next 12 months.
What is your proudest accomplishment of 2024?
I am very proud of our Ward 13 Community Grants Initiative my office launched this year. Through this program, we were able to support local organizations and residents with over $80,000 in small dollar grants to support community initiatives across Ward 13. This included $20,000 for community projects in Flamborough like upgrading wiring at the Westover Women’s Institute hall, constructing new habitat for barn wwallows at Tew Johnson Park, supporting the creation and distribution of Flamborough Connects Community Resource Guides, and funding to support heritage restoration work at St Alban's Church in Rockton. Our community is very fortunate to have so many incredible organizations taking on this valuable work and supporting and amplifying this work has been very meaningful.
What was a significant learning experience for you in 2024?
Ward 13 is the largest geographic Ward in the City of Hamilton with residents living in urban, suburban, and rural communities. Each of the communities that make up Ward 13 has its own unique history and heritage, but in getting to know residents and neighbours across our Ward I have been struck by how much our communities have in common. From prioritizing safety on our roadways to expanding affordable housing to fiscal and environmental sustainability, I’m regularly hearing similar values and priorities from residents across Ward 13.
What do you see as the biggest challenge facing Flamborough/Hamilton in 2025?
Issues like expanding enforcement against illegal dumping in rural communities, reducing air pollution from local industries like Carmeuse, and ensuring our industrial neighbours are contributing their fair share of taxes (thereby reducing the tax burden on residential taxpayers) are all local issues heavily or entirely impacted by provincial policy. Flamborough and Hamilton will be challenged to make meaningful headway on any of these quality-of-life issues without active participation from the province and local provincial representatives.
What is your top wish for 2025?
Over the last two years, resident engagement has been a highlight of the role for me. I want to thank everyone who has come to a town hall or a public meeting, or community picnic, or reached out to my office. I am looking forward to much more engagement this coming year. I’m excited to share my office and I will be running a series of Coffee with your Councillor Drop ins across Ward 13 in 2025. I hope to see you at one of these in the new year!
Do you have any New Year's resolutions for the community you'd like to share?
The last few years have been difficult for many in our community and I’ve seen, firsthand, how we’ve collectively stepped up to help those who need it most. It’s my sincere wish that in 2025 we continue to volunteer, give care, and look out for one another.